

Nature has always been very kind to the sapiens and blessed them with plethora of minerals, organic compounds and many other elements that are important for a healthy and robust growth of the human body. In fact it might not be an exaggeration to call that human body is entirely composed of all these minerals and organic compounds that might exist individually in body or in mixture with others. Progress in health sciences & technology has concurrently affected the human life. Though it made positive developments in different spheres of life but also brought many destructions to the human health.  If you are apprehensive about the scarcity of these inevitable requisites in your body. Then no need to be worried at all about this. We do care about you, we have a miraculous natural remedy for you to keep you fit both physically and mentally. And this natural blessing is Himalayan Fresh Shilajits. Himalayan Fresh Shilajit is a natural supplement and its formation takes place under intense weather phenomena in the mighty Himalayan mountains. Himalayan Fresh Shilajit is extracted from the high mountains with hectic and cumbersome efforts before presenting you in more refined but entirely in its natural outlook. Himalayan Shilajit Drops are an incredible natural occurring supplement that is being used for centuries to improve the immune system. It is a blend of minerals like Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Fulvic acid , Humic acid , Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc etc.

Top Ingredients & Benefits

Himalayan Fresh Shilajit Drops & Resin

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is the final break-down constituents of the natural decay of plant material. Fulvic acid has the property of dissolving the metallic minerals.  When the metals combine with the water and the Fulvic acid, it converts the metals into ions. Thus, Fulvic acid can help body in getting rid of metals that remain in the body as un-dissolved. Fulvic acid helps the body in absorbing the nutrients. It also increases the time of staying of nutrients inside the body. Fulvic acid can easily transport the minerals that are not easily movable. It dissolves and transports the minerals through the body. Fulvic acid can enhance the activity of digestive enzymes to improve overall gut health.

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Humic Acid

Humic Acid is formed due to the decomposition of plants when the right combination of organic matter combines with certain geological conditions, such as pressure and temperature. Humic acid is filled with essential minerals. According to research, regular doses of humic acid and fulvic acid could help alleviate the symptoms of the common cold quickly and comfortably. Humic acid may also help as natural remedy for bronchitis. There are several immune-boosting properties of  humic acids, all of which help protect against viruses. Humic acid can be used externally to address certain skin issues. It is helpful in memory boosting and energy regaining.

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Potassium can prevent the kidney stone formation. It reduces the high blood pressure and prevents the heart stroke. Heart and muscles contraction are also regulated by the Potassium. It helps in the activation of nerve impulses. If body lacks its sufficient amount then it may cause muscles weakness, abnormal heart rhythms or even body may get paralyze. So one should ensure sufficient intake of potassium in the diet.


The requisition of magnesium in body can be judged by the fact that it makes and act as cofactor of 300 enzymes systems. It is a regulator of myriad of biochemical reactions that take place in the body ranging from protein synthesis, blood glucose level maintenance, and blood pressure regulation to the energy production, oxidative phosphorylation etc. chronically low level of Magnesium can increase the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis


Manganese, an important ingredient of Shilajit drops, regulates the formation of connective tissues. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. The metabolic activities associated with fats and carbohydrates are also controlled by manganese. It helps in absorption of calcium and maintains the sugar level in the blood to the required level. Body requires manganese for different mechanisms, we should maintain the required level of the manganese in the body by consuming the food items rich in manganese including Shilajit.


Iron is a fundamental mineral that makes up the blood protein called Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a blood protein made up iron that helps to transport oxygen from lungs to all parts of body. Iron makes up another protein in blood called myoglobin that carry oxygen to the muscles. Deficiency of iron may cause different disorders in the body mainly pertinent to blood including anemia- a disorder of blood, malabsorption- an intestinal disorder and chronic bleeding heavy menses and bleeding from gastrointestinal lesions.

Himalayan Fresh Shilajit Drops & Resin

Highly Pure & Authentic

Eases Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue leads to extreme tiredness, lack of sleep, body pain, and poor cognition. It is often caused by unregulated HPA Axis & malfunctioning mitochondria. According to a study, Shilajit can promote mitochondrial health and also help in regulating the HPA Axis and reducing fatigue symptoms by maintaining good cortisol levels and adrenal weight.


Helps with Alzheimer

The brains of the people with Alzheimer’s are show protein tangles (also known as tau fibrils) in scans. These protein tangles continue to get worse with time, and this is how symptoms of Alzheimer’s progresses with time. Shilajit can prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s by effectively reducing the size of protein and detangling them.


Boosts Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels may cause loss of hair, lack of sex drive, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, and increase in body fat. According to a clinical study, which was conducted for 90 days, a daily intake of 250 mg Shilajit effectively boosted the levels of testosterone in the male volunteers aged between 45 and 55.

Can Help with Anemia

Shilajit can help with iron-deficiency anemia. In a study conducted on 18 rats divided into 3 groups of 6, researches medically induce anemia in group 2 and 3. After 11 days, researchers gave 500 mg of Shilajit to the Group 3 rats. On 21st day, researchers found higher hemoglobin in the 3rd group.



Can Improve Heart Health

Shilajit provides the human body with the antioxidants and nutrients that might improve heart health. This natural supplement is rich in humic acid, which can lower the blood fat and help in preventing major heart diseases and strokes. According to a study, humic acid effectively reduced bad cholesterol and fat in rat’s blood while maintaining healthy levels of good cholesterol.

May Boost Male Fertility

Shilajit is considered to be one of the widely used supplements to increase male fertility. According to a study, more than 60% of infertile males who took Shilajit daily after meals for 90 days recorded an increase in total sperm count while more than 12% candidates experienced an increase in sperm mobility



Supports Gut Health

Shilajit is rich in antioxidants, it may reduce the oxidative damage and inflammation causing an upset stomach. According to a study, Fulvic acid found in Shilajit effectively reduced stomach acid and pepsin secretion in rats leading to lower risk of stomach ulcers. Also, Benzoic Acid found in Shilajit has antibacterial properties which fight stomach bacteria to keep it healthy.

Ease Inflamation

Higher neutrophils levels lead to damaged tissues and increased inflammation in the body. Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid found in Shilajit can effectively reduce inflammation and helps in lowering neutrophils. Shilajit is also rich in potassium humate that blocks the complement activation reducing the production of cytokines that are inflammatory substances found in cells.



Keeps You Young

Fulvic acid found in Shilajit possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which provide protection against the free radicals and control the cellular damage. Therefore, regular use of Shilajit can slow down the ageing process and make you look younger while maintaining overall good health.

Can Boost Memory

Shilajit has been described as a great memory enhancer that boosts focus & learning capabilities. According to a study conducted on rats, purified Shilajit increased learning and sharpened memory in old rats. On the other hand, if you consume impure or low-quality Shilajit, it can have a negative impact on your brain’s cognitive functions.



High Altitude Sickness

If you experience high-altitude sickness symptoms like pulmonary edema, insomnia, lethargy, body pain, or dementia, Shilajit can help. Shilajit comes packed with fulvic acid and 80+ other essential minerals, and therefore, it can help with body pain and boost energy. It may also boost the immune system and remove excess fluid from your body, thus, dealing with many high-altitude related problems.

Reduce Stress & Anxiety

According to animal studies, Shilajit can help with stress and anxiety by increasing the dopamine levels in the limbic region, also known as, the emotional region of the brain. It can also help in reducing the detrimental effects of mind with the help of its antioxidant properties and richness in many powerful nutrients. In a study conducted on rats, Shilajit effectively increased the levels of GABA in the brain, which is a calming neurotransmitter, which also explains its anti-seizure properties.



Customers Feedback



Very rare product with true health benefits.



You can pick drop and liquid form easily.



Provides good energy and mind satisfaction.



Tried many brands. This one is best



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